import os
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import librosa
from scipy.special import softmax
def _to_training_data_single(args):
cs, T, F, sr, n_fft, hop_length, noise, threshold = args
mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel(sr, n_fft, F, norm=None)
def to_feature(y):
np.abs(librosa.stft(y, n_fft, hop_length))
C = len(cs)
m = sum(c*np.max(c) for c in cs)\
/ max(sum(np.max(np.abs(c)) for c in cs), 1e-16)
mixture = to_feature(m)[:, :T]
channels = np.array([to_feature(c) for c in cs])[:, :, :T]
if noise:
channels += np.random.uniform(0, noise, size=channels.shape)
c = channels.transpose((2, 1, 0)) # => TxFxC
binary_mask = np.eye(C)[
c.reshape((c.size // C, C)).argmax(axis=-1)
].reshape(c.shape).transpose((2, 1, 0)) # => CxFxT
if threshold is not None and threshold > 0:
binary_mask = np.where(channels > threshold, binary_mask, 0)
softmax_mask = softmax(channels, axis=0)
if threshold is not None and threshold > 0:
softmax_mask = np.where(channels > threshold, softmax_mask, 0)
x = mixture.T
y_embedding = binary_mask.transpose((2, 1, 0))
y_mask = np.dstack((
softmax_mask.transpose((2, 1, 0)),
mixture.T[:, :, None]
return x, dict(embedding=y_embedding, mask=y_mask)
[docs]def to_training_data_single(
cs, T, F, sr=44100, n_fft=2048, hop_length=None,
noise=None, threshold=None
return _to_training_data_single(
(cs, T, F, sr, n_fft, hop_length, noise, threshold)
input: NxCxFxT tensor
output: 'embedding': NxTxFxC tensor
'mask': NxTxFx(C+1) tensor
[docs]def to_training_data(
ys, T, F, sr=44100, n_fft=2048, hop_length=None,
noise=None, threshold=None,
args_list = [
(cs, T, F, sr, n_fft, hop_length, noise, threshold)
for cs in ys
if n_jobs <= 0:
n_jobs = os.cpu_count()
if n_jobs > 1:
p = multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1)
data = list(, args_list))
data = list(map(_to_training_data_single, args_list))
return np.array([x for x, _ in data]),\
(k, np.array([y[k] for _, y in data]))
for k in ('embedding', 'mask')